
Friday, November 29, 2013

Scott Wyatt New Release - "Dimension M"

Today, I'm proud to introduce my readers to author Scott Wyatt and his new political thriller, “Dimension M”.



When I traveled to the former Soviet Union in 1985, I had no idea that my experiences would inspire the founding of a global initiative. Nor could I have imagined that the companion flag project—dedicated to the celebration of all that human beings have in common—would find its way into my second novel, an international political thriller that I would pen twenty-eight years later. 

Enter Dimension M.
Idealists Alden Frost and Fatimah Ibrahim break into a school in Uzbekistan (part of the former Soviet Union) to raise the companion flag, but this is more than just a school. It’s the secret repository for the Şahin Diary, an exposé on the Armenian genocide. The diary has been held under seal since the end of World War I, not to be opened for 200 years. If its contents are publicized, the government of Turkey could fall, destabilizing the Middle East. After Alden’s and Fatimah’s arrest, it’s discovered that the diary is missing. Forces and interests around the world are mobilized to find it, either to return it to hiding, or to publicize its contents. Alden and Fatimah find themselves squarely in the crosshairs.

Praise for Dimension M:

Readers are in for some exciting chase scenes, a cast of well-developed and diverse characters, and a mystery that unfolds at a pleasingly tantalizing pace. Yet, at the center of all the action stand Alden and Fatimah and their passion for the concept of the companion flag.” —Compulsion Reads Book Review

While there’s plenty of the action you’d typically find in a political suspense novel — bombings, abductions, and high-speed motorcycle chases — the heart of the story is a message of shared experience, empathy, and the importance of trust in an uncertain world.” —The Literary Lawyer (NWLawyer magazine)
Additional reviews at Release date: Nov. 6, 2013.

About the Author:
Scott Wyatt, a native of Sandpoint, Idaho, earned degrees at Stanford and the University of Washington before entering the practice of law in 1976. He founded the companion flag project in 1999 “to elevate and sustain public awareness of all that human beings have in common, without speaking to, or diminishing the importance of, our differences and diversity.” 

Wyatt has traveled throughout the world on behalf of the initiative, and the companion flag has been adopted at schools and universities in over fifteen countries. In 2012, Wyatt released his first novel, Beyond the Sand Creek Bridge, which follows the experiences of Chinese immigrants building the Northern Pacific railroad through the Idaho Territory in 1882. Read more at, and follow the author at

What motivates you to write?
My interest in creative writing predates the start of my first novel, Beyond the Sand Creek Bridge (2012), which was thirty years in the making. At present, I’m pleased to be riding a robust wave of creative energy. It has been a long time coming, but it’s here now, and I feel blessed to have the time and capacity to make the most of it.

As passionate as I am about writing, I’m even more passionate about an idea that came to me out of the blue in 1985, following a trip to the former Soviet Union. This is the notion that the moral dimension in human interactions and behaviors—how we treat one another—is shaped as much by the content of our awareness of other as by those rules, mores, symbolical thoughts, religious tenets, and prescriptions that we call our own, or that we embrace throughout our lives. Yes, I know that’s a mouthful! At its core, though, is this idea: that human beings—all of us—are both different and the same (in materialistic terms, we are made up of both human differences and human “samenesses”); that, when we encounter one another, we are drawn to and mesmerized by the human differences we see in “other”; and that, for a whole host of reasons, we formulate our moral commitments to other based exclusively on difference awareness: my family/your family, my tribe/your tribe, my ethnic group/your ethnic group, my nation/your nation. The content of our awareness of other, in other words, which gives rise to the moral impulse, is difference awareness alone, not a combination of difference awareness and sameness awareness. The compassionate impulse, which is the fruit of sameness awareness, is lost.

This is more than can be conveyed adequately in a paragraph. You’ll find this theme developed in attorney Jason McQuade’s closing argument in Beyond the Sand Creek Bridge, and again in “The Sanori Flag Debate,” the appendix to my just-released Dimension M (2013).

And what about you?
I have four children and five grandchildren. My wife, Rochelle Wyatt, is a talented Seattle-area actress. Since 2009, we have lived in a beautiful cabin-like home overlooking Lake Sammamish, fifteen miles east of Seattle in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains.


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