If the name is familiar, it's because this wonderful author has visited with us before. For a look at that post, which includes several of her books, jump over to this page.
Let's get a closer look at S.L. Wallace's new story, shall we?

Let's get a closer look at S.L. Wallace's new story, shall we?

In early July 2013, the following news article made headlines: "Possibility of First Head Transplant Fraught with Ethical and Medical Dilemmas." Are head transplants really in our near future, and what will that mean for mankind? Dante Marando understands that the human body is fragile. With recent medical advances, he's certain scientists will soon be able to keep healthy people alive for longer stretches of time, and he is determined to be a part of history in the making. Is Dante interested in helping mankind thrive, or is he only looking out for himself?

S.L. Wallace is an upper elementary Montessori teacher and lifelong writer who is a descendant of the famous William Wallace. Like him, she believes in freedom and independence. Unlike him, she fights her battles with the pen. S.L. has a quirky family and prefers quirky friends. If you see her out and about, she is likely looking for some fun.
To purchase your copy of Dante's Day Off, check it out on Amazon at HERE.
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